A monthly oil and gas statistical review Oil and Gas of Ukraine about FSVS GROUP, LLC
Original article on the official website of LLC “Newfolk Oil and Gas Consulting Center”
Original article on the official website of LLC “Newfolk Oil and Gas Consulting Center”
The innovative project developed by EGA Solutions for ITP Aero (Rolls-Royce Group) was awarded the international Quality Innovation Award.
This innovative project is a comprehensive tracking system for the assembly process of aircraft engine parts. In addition, this system can be replicated and/or scaled up for other potential customers in sectors such as the automotive, wind energy or rail sector – sectors that have already begun to take interest in this new system aimed at drastically reducing costs. In the case of ITP Aero, the installation of the system developed by EGA Solutions paid for itself in 4 months.
Araba 4.0 dedicates an article to our sister company EGA Solutions, talking about the trackability system of assembly processes he developed for ITP Aero https://bit.ly/3xb2yTb
EGA Solutions is a developer that provides flexible and personalized turnkey solutions for Industry 4.0. (https://www.egasolutions.com/)
Carefully designed to avoid accidental dropping and to ensure maximum safety, EGA Master Anti-Drop Tools are equipped with security retention ring, webbed anchor, and heat-shrink sleeve, which offer better efficiency compared to other tool systems.
Ega Master is member of DROPS. The Dropped Objects Prevention Scheme Global Resource Centre. DROPS is essentially a Global Work Group, represented by over 100 operators, contractors, service companies and industry bodies, all sharing commitment and enthusiasm for the common goal of dropped object prevention. The current DROPS Global Steering Committee is represented by BP, Chevron, Shell UK, BG Group plc, Britannia Operator Limited, Statoil, Talisman Energy and Transocean.
Zmievskaya Paper Factory has joined the clients of the manufacturer of premium industrial tools EGA Master.
This is the only paper mill in Ukraine that processes combined packages of the Tetra Pak type on an industrial scale. In addition, the factory’s technologies allow processing of various types of secondary raw materials, preventing environmental pollution and reducing the need for deforestation.
FSVS GROUP, as the official representative of EGA Master in Ukraine, offers its partners optimal solutions for efficient and safe work.
Supply of pipe wrenches for DE “NEWTECH UKRAINE”
Today EGA Master (Spain) is represented in 150 countries. EGA Master tools are used by the world’s leading oil and gas production and service companies.
A company with many years of experience in the oil and gas complex of DE “NEWTECH UKRAINE” joined EGA Master’s clients and purchased premium pipe wrenches.
FSVS GROUP, as the official representative of EGA Master in Ukraine, offers its partners optimal solutions in solving production issues.
Efficiency and safety is the EGA Master!
FSVS GROUP LLC has supplied PREMIUM quality aluminum pipe tongs manufactured by EGA Master (Spain) for PJSC “NEFTEGAZDOBYCHA”.
Keys are made of a special aluminum alloy TITALUM®, which makes the key 50% lighter;
TITALUM® alloy provides additional resistance, exceeding the stringent GGG-W-651 E, Type II Class C standard by more than 30%;
Applied electro-epoxy powder paint for added impact and abrasion resistance;
The month and year of manufacture are laser engraved on the instrument for proper tracking.
For the subdivisions of the Subsidiaries of the GPD PoltavaGasVydobuvannya JSC UkrGasVydobuvannya, the supply of pipe wrenches of PREMIUM quality produced by EGA Master (Spain) was carried out.
Each item of the product bears the manufacturer’s logo, catalog number and month / year of manufacture. For proper tracking of instruments, it is possible for the manufacturer to apply the logo of the Customer’s divisions.
FSVS GROUP LLC, as the official representative of EGA Master in Ukraine, provides oil and gas producing and service companies with high-quality premium tools.
EGA Master conducts a webinar: “ATEX (ATmospheres EXplosibles – explosion safety standard developed by the European Union”
Nhon Trach Power Plant, operated by Petrovietnam, selects EGA Master as its trusted manufacturer of Premium Industrial Tools
Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) joins the group of companies that have become ambassadors of EGA Master brand.